I am sad that Farrah Fawcett has died. When I heard about her rectal cancer diagnosis--I knew the prognosis, despite her resolve, was quite bleak. But I wanted Farrah Fawcett to live a long time. Selfishly, my age group so needed her to walk us through:
being glamorous in old age
developing a sexy fresh hair style for thinning hair
growing gray so we could all stop trying to youthfully color uncooperative graying hair
making peace with men from our former lives
accepting our children's "not-so-perfect" moments
having style and grace even after the hip joint replacement
starting a fashion craze for all us "left over hippies" so we could be "trendy" one more time
And know she is gone at the age of 62 of an unrelenting cancer. No matter what treatments were available to her, she could not beat it. In the end, its true, the best you can ever do is have good genetics.
I loved her influence on my younger days. She had that big happy smile. She had small breasts, she had big hair that made the size of her breasts uninteresting. Her hair drove me to learn to blow dry and blow dry and blow dry (mainly because I had small breasts). And she was hopelessly and happily blonde!!
With my love of her hair, I was in good company--she influenced Lady Diana's hair style choices.
Never again will there be a "so easily gorgeous" Farrah for my age group. She just seemed to do it so easily.
Isn't it amazing that Farrah died when tie-dye was back in fashion and Hair is back on Broadway--its almost as if the age she influenced came back to claim her.
Here is a rare glimpse of my Farrah Fawcett inspired look. How GORGEOUS-ly Farrah was I???