Friday, July 31, 2020

The Good Killer

The Good Killer

Harry Dolan

February 2020

Nothing better during these quiet days at home during the pandemic than a Harry Dolan mystery novel.  This is his latest release.  Reading his mysteries is like settling down in a quiet room and not agreeing to get up from your book until the end.   His sentence structure is so smooth, that the story just slides along with your eyes and you cannot stop "stream-reading".   

No spoilers in this review, but I cannot deny that there are some rough action events in the mystery storyline.  Just sign it off to the fact that rough and tough men read Dolan novels, too.    After the yoga chapter, its fair balance! 

The protagonists are Sean, the good killer and Molly, his significant other girlfriend, and they are running away from antagonists: Jimmy, Nick, Kelly, Tom and Lincoln.   Molly takes a little time off to attend yoga week in Montana as mentioned.  The antagonists find her.  OOPS!! 

Then just to make the story really fun to read, there are some characters to keep track of because they round out the plot.  They are:
  •      Adam, (Molly's old rich guy boyfriend)
  •      Howard Frazier and his wife
  •      Henry Keen
  •      Steve Z
  •      Carla Whyte
  •      Dalton Webber
  •      Noura Ibrahim
  •      Ray and Rapheal..a little love story between two detectives-- don't miss that.  It's cute but not cozy.          
  •      Rose Dillon   She plays a significant role as this story begins.  But as the mystery builds, you almost forget about her. She shows up to close the story and turns out your reading light as this mystery is solved, resolved and sadly for the reader, it ends.   But Rose insists having her own ending.
  •      Cole, the friend with the black boots.  Some friends are hard to forget

Favorite quotes: 

"We look ahead.  We prepare. That's our advantage.  Because we know the battle's coming."  (Sean Tennant)
"Today a new sun rises and we start again".  (Molly Winter)

Just perfect for encouragement during the pandemic. 

I love these mysteries and hope you will soon join me in that love as well!!  (I did read the first three Dolan mysteries in order and I advise that, but the last two have been wonderful stand-alones.)

Pick up this mystery--and stay safe. 

Let me know what you think and certainly what you are reading!