by Stephanie Sherman (published by the American Management Association, 1996)
This blog is one of many that will feature books from my bookshelf--and in some cases the history behind my purchasing the book. It was hard to pick the first one. . so I picked a noncontroversial, fun one.
Make Yourself Memorable by Stephanie Sherman is a book I have owned for about 10 years--and have read it and lent it out more than once. I picked it up in an airport bookstore--I was traveling 100% of the time for a pharmaceutical company and felt kind of anonymous. (I used to list my address as Marriott, USA.) So, this book caught my attention and I found it amusingly instructive. Even now, when I feel anonymous or invisible--I pick it up and see how I can tweak my style a bit--and amazingly, it usually works.
I see it listed on Amazon now as "used starting at 25 cents"--I think it is still more valuable than that!!
OK, check this out:
Stephanie's "memorable formula" simply stated is: Style x Substance x Timing.
She breaks down each formula component. There are four elements of style--Look, Speech, Presentation and Conduct. I am getting the feeling that you are already thinking differently about your "style". Doing a little mental inventory????
Lets look at her suggestions about fashion style--or YOUR LOOK. She separates the elements of successful, memorable fashion style or LOOK into those for men and the elements for women. Enjoy the similarities and differences.
At the end of the blog, I suggest a male and a female who clearly meet all these elements of style. Share your ideas in the comments section for all of us to enjoy.
Successful style elements for MEN:
1. Stay basic: conventional navy blue or dark gray suits should command your wardrobe.
2. Go natural: choose natural deslgn lines for suits and shirts. Choose natural fabrics, colors, and materials.
3. Keep it simple: Limit the number and type of accessories and jewelry that you wear. No plastic or rubber watch band, wedding ring and class ring are not to be worn on the same hand (duh) and no cartoon character neckties. She goes into tatoos--but lets move on.
4. Make it fit: Choose clothes that fit. Stephanie goes on to explain what "non-fitting" clothes may look like on you. . .pulled zippers, stretched pockets and seams, etc.
5. Keep it covered: Some things are better kept private--t-shirts and chest hair are listed as "never-show's". Basically she suggests long socks, tight collars and long sleeves for the successful stylish man.
6. Look clean and crisp: Heavy starch for shirts and slacks (OUCH!! Starched slacks???). She warns against toupees and the ever-amusing comb-overs. She recommends an "inviting smile".
7. Be calm and controlled: Moustache rolling and head bobbing are out!!
8. Stay fit
Now for the WOMEN--interestingly, a shorter list.
1. Keep it simple: Clothing should be basic and simple. No plaids, stripes, florals or plaids. Clothes that scream "Look at me" are not part of a successful stylish woman's wardrobe according to Stephanie. She makes a point that all fashion style for women should maintain a feminine look--just with discretion.
2. Keep it covered: Avoid low necklines, cleavage, bare arms or shoulders, short skirts, long slits up the skirt or pant leg, hanging slips, bare legs, cut-out shoes (I guess this means open toed shoes and sandals) and of course the ever popular, see-through blouse. (I can see that my closet is going to need some re-organizing!! :)
3. Think small: When it comes to accessories, choose small earrings--limit jewelry to wedding ring and watch--(at least she did not say no plastic watches for women--so I guess my SWATCH collection is safe!) Stephanie suggests matching your briefcase to your shoes for a together look.
4. Make it light and natural: Fragrances and make-up should be barely perceptible--natural and light. Bright, attractive smile invites intelligent conversation.
5. Stay calm and controlled: Avoid nervous habits--she lists a few fun ones--hair twirling, scratching, head bobbing and toe-tapping.
Sounds easy enough!! Take a trip to the Mall this weekend and evaluate the elements of style for the people you see--I bet you will surprised and entertained!!
So--here are my stylish man and woman picks. I cannot think of a single instance when either of them violated any of the rules listed above:

Yes, these two lovely people are definitely AESTHETES!!

Preview of next blog: Why I am thankful for 2007.
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