Born in England and spent most of his life in Michigan. He is one of my favorite poets--this poem could be written for this election day. . .
All For The Best by Edgar A. Guest (1881 - 1959)
Things mostly happen for the best
However hard it seems today
When some fond plan has gone astray
Or what you've wished for is lost
And you sit counting up the cost
With eyes half-blind by tears of grief
While doubt is choking out belief
You'll find when all is understood
That what seemed bad was really good
Life can't be counted in a day
The present rain that will not stop
Next Autumn means a bumper crop
We wonder why some things must be
Care's purpose we can seldom see
And yet long afterwards we turn
To view the past and then we learn
That what once filled our minds with doubt
Was good for us as it worked out
I've never known an hour of care
But that I've later come to see
That it has brought some joy to me
Even sorrows I have borne
Leaving me lonely and forlorn
And hurt and bruised and sick at heart
In life's great plan have had a part
And though I could not understand
Why I should bow to Death's command
As time went on I came to know
That it was really better so
Things mostly happen for the best
So narrow is our vision here
That we are blinded by a tear
And stunned by every hurt and blow
Which comes today to strike us low
And yet some day we turn and find
That what seemed cruel once was kind
Most things, I hold, are wisely planned
If we could only understand
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