Today is inauguration day.
My friend Jim and I considered this one of our "unofficial" holidays.
On "unofficial" holidays--I got to cook dinner, and he got to watch TV.
Unofficial holidays were TV-heavy days.
Other unofficial holidays were State of the Union, Oscar night, World Series if the Yankees were in the game, the PGA when Tiger was ahead and the first winter day of measurable snow. Jim could make just about anything great fun!!
I missed him today. It would have been a TV-heavy day.
He would have even tolerated watching TV until we saw the First Lady's gown.
He lived into the beginning of the campaigning in '06. Then he was gone.
He was so hoping that Al Franken would win the Senate race from Minnesota.
He read the Franken book titled,"Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Dummy"--and used to laugh out loud--then read the passage to me--and laugh again.
Today I was in the car and heard Rush on the radio, already ragging on Obama's inaugural speech as too simple. . .and in tribute to my friend Jim, I have to admit--Rush sounded like a Big Fat Dummy.
JIm didnt know who would win the Presidential race in '08--but he was sure it would not be Hillary. Right, again, my friend.
So, I am sitting here waiting to see the First Lady gown--I cooked dinner, I watched a lot of TV. Its been a great day.
Dont underestimate the gifts of treasured friends.
Be sure to thank them, over and over.