I am always fascinated by names. Try this Name Trick-- sure to make you a hit at the next party. It has two parts:
1. What is your stage name? Take your middle name and add the name of the first street you lived on. Mine would be Ellen Hartnett.
2. What is the name you would give in a pawn shop? Take the name of your first pet and add your mother's maiden name. I would be Schnapps Versen-- perfect for a pawn shop.
And if you would like to know your pirate name check out this site and take the quiz: http://www.piratequiz.com/ My pirate name came out Dirty Bess Rackham. GREAT NAME!!
And for the Trekkie's--find your cyborg name and avatar: http://cyborg.namedecoder.com
S.U.S.A.N.: Synthetic Unit Skilled in Assassination and Nullification
An Obstetrical nurse for years, I heard a lot of name combinations and name trends. Remember the Jennifer craze, the Justin craze, the Emily craze and the Scott craze? The -ew craze for boys' names and the -ah craze for girls' names seem to hit at the same time.

In all the years working in the maternity unit NO ONE ever named their darling child SUSAN!!! That I could never understand.

From the Greek, GEORGE means "farmer, earthworker". Saint George was a legendary dragon slayer who was supposedly martyred in Palestine. He is the patron saint of England, Portugal and Catalonia.
This name has been borne by six kings of England, two kings of Greece, and the first president of the United States, George Washington. Other famous bearers include authors George Eliot and George Orwell (both pen names,) composer George Frederic Handel, and Pacific explorer George Vancouver, composer George Gershwin, and actors George Burns and George Clooney and of course, the 41st and the 43rd presidents of the US.

George has suckered me into opening the door at the wrong time so he could slip out more than a few times-he loves prowling around the neighborhood, in the woods, and who knows where. Thankfully he never brings anything dead home. Since George came to live with Jim's family, a few more strays have shown up but none as gorgeously marked as George. And finally after 8 years, George now jumps in my lap when I visit. He is a great cat!

George #3 is someone I have known since the summer of July 93 but did not meet until the summer of 95. This George and I joined an online book group the same day back in 93 when the internet was still relatively young (and overpriced) and we discovered that we were both Mrs Piggle-Wiggle fans as young readers. George is passing on his talents in reading and writing to children everyday as a teacher in Florida.
The most memorable part of my friendship with George #3 (so far)--was our trip to Hawaii to visit him and his wife Vickie when they were living there. What a Hawaiian tour we had!! After dinner at Duke's, George insisted that we go to the Royal Hawaiian piano bar to drink MaiTai's. After all, its the place that made them famous. It just happened to be the day that Frank Sinatra died--so the piano player was playing all Sinatra classics--that was a very special night!! To top it off, George took us to a very neon bar and there were Japanese singers performing Beatle hits--or was it the MaiTai's playing with my mind????

We have visited George and his family in three states, Illinois, Hawaii and Florida and he remains one of my favorite friends to talk about. (George, I know I ended the sentence with a preposition--don't be horrified!!)

George #4 always had the best snacks--and would show them off to the rest of the team during long grueling teleconferences. Notice I did not say SHARE!!
The #5 George has come and gone from popular music--but I used to dance in the basement (when no one was looking) to his music when he topped the charts--so he deserves a place here.

And I was not the only one who loved that song--George #6 liked him too.
In the early 90's I had a boss named George--and we both loved Madonna music and George Michael music. Yes, this George #6 loved fast cars, fast music, working hard, and playing golf--he was always on the move. He taught me to trust my instinct, diagnose with confidence--be aware of new ideas and emerging therapies and focus on the pursuit of wellness for each patient in our practice, one by one.

And we did just that!
So that sums up the George's I know.
WAIT!!! THIS JUST IN. . .in the comments section, one of my dearest friends has informed me that he is also a GEORGE--so Jay, you are George #7.
And now, I am going to celebrate Presidents Day with a piece of cherry pie.

Cookies for Breakfast? Yes, a dream come true in my next blog. Another of Susan's Favorite Recipes you will be unable to resist.
1 comment:
You know one other George (sorta). It was the name given to me at birth, but I was named after my father (and great grandfather), and since there was no short version of George that my father approved of, I was called Jay - it stuck and eventually I did a legal name change.
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